

Epilepsy Foundation Central and South Texas

Digital Marketing Intern

The Epilepsy Foundation Central and South Texas is a nonprofit, charitable agency driven to providing comfort and support for those who live with epilepsy.

As a digital marketing Intern my responsibilities were to;


Conduct Online research and summarize findings. Write new blog content based on keyword research.

One of the Epilepsy Foundations biggest goals is to inform the public about the difficulties of Epilepsy. These graphics would be mainly displayed on the Foundations social media. Often these posts would cover a wide range of related subjects from statistics, epilepsy syndromes, and facts about different types of seizure.


Epilepsy Awareness month

Every November the Epilepsy Foundation tries to raise awareness of epilepsy and seizures by posting various blog posts on epilepsy facts. These Graphics I designed were to break down the steps to seizure first aid. Each Graphic also highlights keywords to help associate to each step.

Coordinates Online marketing and advertising campaigns. Manage marketing projects and relationships with vendors.

To reach more people the foundation has a few collaborations with several other companies and corporations. The graphics displayed are collaborations with Kendra Scott and the Combined Federal Campaign. Although the Epilepsy foundation has been known to collaborate with Whataburger from time to time.

Create content offers for all stages of the buyer’s journey.

This set of graphics were to promote the importance of body positivity as research has shown that a negative outlook of your body image contributes to the state of seizures one might have.

Support group posters

These graphics were designed to help promote the Epilepsy Foundations support group program. Each one Highlight the city and town the meetings take place in as well as the when and where. These Graphics would be used in a variety of blog posts.

Utilizes social media to engage with a community of fans/followers Online.

At the End of the day the Epilepsy Foundation strives to keep connected to their community, inform the public of what they do, and to inspire others to follow their lead. These graphics are meant to do all these things whether its celebrating a month full of birthday donations or celebrating the people who came out to support this organizations cause.



If you have any Questions please contact the Epilepsy Foundation Central and South texas at


Call: (210) 653-5353

Email: Staff@EFCST.org

The photos used in these graphics are the property of the Epilepsy Foundation Central and South Texas branch

The likeness of the fictional characters of Spiderman, Wonder Woman, and Superman belong to Marvel and DC Respectfully